[Revised Oct 04]
The 'Report Generator' allows a user to specify the items they wish to appear on a report, then save this report for future use.
To create a new report requires a reasonable level of care, but once created first time they can be used by just choosing the report.
Those with the Microsoft 'Access' program can also write special reports by directly accessing the raw data external to RxOne (see 'external reports' below).
To use a previously created report
From the 'RxOne' Start Menu, Reports, 'RxOne' Report generator, File, Open, and select the report you want to run, then Report, Run.
To create a special report
- From the 'RxOne' 'Start' Menu, Reports.
- Click on 'Report Generator', and observe two screens. The screen on the LHS is where you lay out and view your report, while 'Available Fields' screen on the RHS gives you a list of all of the fields which are available to put onto your report. You will see such things as Script No, Rx Quantity, NHS Retail, Patient Name, Doctor Name, etc. Any combinations of these fields can be used, and criteria can be specified for any field.
Example This example is a copy of the 'Drugs Owing' report already provided by 'RxOne', you can view the Drugs Owing report from the Dispensary Reports tab in the Reports menu.
- Fields included in this report are;- Script No, Patient Name, Date Dispensed, Drug Quantity & Name, and the amount owing.
- Restricted by date (and can also be restricted by script number) and - Sorted by Script Number.
Specify the first field. The first we want is 'Script No.', so double click on the 'Script No' item in 'Available Fields'. You will see it move into the 'Report definition' screen.
Resize fields. The Script No field (and any other fields which you add) can be resized to any width you like. Position the mouse pointer over the right edge of the column, in the top row, right next to the words 'Script No'. Now click the left mouse button and holding it down while you drag the column to the right or left. You will know the mouse pointer is in the right position when the pointer changes from the white arrow into double headed horizontal arrow.
Add other fields
Repeat these steps on the following fields;
'Date Dispensed', 'Patient Name', 'Rx Quantity', 'Rx Drug Name', 'Drugs Owing'
Add restrictions
The drugs owing report is restricted to showing scripts that satisfy two sets of criteria, firstly it is based on date dispensed, and secondly, less obviously, is based on the drugs owing field.
To restrict to scripts for particular dates dispensed, click on the 'criteria' row of the 'date dispensed' column and a pull down box will appear. The options vary depending on the type of field that is selected, i.e. Number fields have different options than date fields, and plain text fields have no options but allow you to type directly into the report definition list. Choose the criteria you wish, e.g. 'This month' or whatever you want.
Next click on the 'criteria' row in the 'Drugs Owing' column and select the 'Greater Than' option and press <ENTER>. You will be prompted to enter a value, type '0' and then click OK. (You want the report to show only scripts which do have drugs owing, e.g. those for which the 'drugs owing' value is greater than zero.)
The report now knows to search for all scripts which have a date dispensed within this month, and which have any drugs owing. The only thing left to do is to sort the report by Script Number.
Sorting order
Click on the 'Sort' row in the 'Script No' column, and select 'Ascending' from the list.
To save the report you have generated, select File, Save, and choose a name that will be meaningful to you. "Drugs owing in last month.rpt" etc. NOTE that the report name should always end with .rpt ( full stop plus 'rpt'). Save a new report before running it for the first time in case it has a problem.
To run your report, Report, Run.
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