Report, Fill list


[Revised Aug 02]

A collated list of all items sold since the last fill list was printed.


It has three major uses;


For restocking from a storeroom To refill the shop from the storeroom, this report shows a collated list of all items sold since last time it was printed. You can suppress items for which there are less than a certain number total left in stock which can save a lot of time looking for items which cannot be in the store. Eg, if a policy is made never to leave less than three of anything in the storeroom (if there are four in the store, either take just one or take them all) and you specify it should suppress items for which the SoH is 3 or less, those items which cannot be there will not be shown.

To use; Report / Other Report / Fill List.


For reordering Useful for ordering those who do not want to do full stock control.


Sales tracking for special purposes This allows sales to be accumulated for any period the user wishes (including the half hour the owner was at the bank if required, which can be useful for security purposes) without affecting any other figure.


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