Options, Major


[Revised Sep 03]


Minor options that apply to a specific section are displayed from within that section by selecting Options at the top of the screen.

Major system options are set from the Options utility.


To set major options

- From the RxOne Start Menu', select Tools then Options.

- Or, from the Dispensing Main Menu, Windows, Options.


The major options are on four panels containing major settings. After changing a line, press <enter> or <tab> to move off the line and then when you exit, all details are recorded.


Prices sets the pricing fees and markups for all scripts. The user has complete access.

The 'NHS markup', 'NHS dispensing fee' etc must be set correctly so 'RxOne' can calculate the s'net cut off etc. If the pharmacy has an individual contract with the payment agency, change these parameters to reflect the contract and 'RxOne' will price accordingly.

'NHS Markup' and 'NHS Dispensing fee' should be set to the current values from ''Medicare Australia'', and determine the expected ''Medicare Australia'' payout (though NOT the amount actually paid by Claims since this is recalculated by ''Medicare Australia''. They do NOT pay the amount claimed unless they agree)


Hospital contracts. There are four options: Hospital, Dr's Bag, Control Drugs, and Mixtures for you to customize (change the names etc) to your individual requirements.

From Tools, Options go to the Pricing tab and make sure you have the correct figures for 'Claimable NHS'. The container fee and safety net fee should be set to zero.


Switchboard sets yes/no options.

Hospital . When this is flagged, the Hospital Provider Number can be entered on 'User details". This specifies that this pharmacy is able to dispense 'hospital only' drugs on NHS, and price accordingly. Most common 'hospital only' drugs are now maintained in the system by the monthly update, and more can be added by the user if required.

Round refers to rounding of retail prices, up, down, nearest. The figure to round to, 0.05, 0.10 etc, is specified on the 'Prices' panel.

Message on receipts. If space permits, any message entered in this box will be printed on receipts. "Now open Saturday", "Thank you for shopping with us." Etc. To wipe this replace it with a message consisting of a full stop '' . ''


Charges. Specifies the NHS patient charges and residual payments for various patient categories. These are user-accessible to allow for sudden changes in Govt. policy.


User This panel has the user registration details.

Do not change the 'protected details'; the pharmacy name, GST number, unit number or registration number, without first consulting the support service as these are involved with the anti-piracy mechanisms and the software may shut down if it detects changes.

It is safe to change the street, suburb, city, phone number, fax number and claim number, but be careful not to accidentally change one of the protected numbers while doing so.