Debtor, Statement Printing/Viewing/Emailing


[Revised Aug 2013]


You can search for an account name by:

Name (note that an account is not a first name/last name it is one name but you can search by any part of that name),

Customer Number (type in 'cn'  followed by the Customer Number)  or

Docket number (type in  “dn” followed by the docket number). There must be an account sale in the docket.


Ageing statements and debtors rollover

Statements can be printed at any time for any period. For a normal monthly run of statements, do them AFTER the end of the month as they are 'aged' and the last month closed off automatically on startup on the first day of the month.

Sales and payments received after the end of month will be held for the correct month's statement.

Eg; It is OK to do sales on 1st or 2nd of the month and then later printout the statements for last month, which will cut off at 31st.


The ‘Aged Balancepart of the statement displays:

• Overdue – this includes all overdue balances from previous months

• Current – this is the current balance


Print All statements, AFTER End-of-Month.

(Normal monthly statement run)

At the top RHS corner of the screen a box shows 'Statement date' , click on the button to pull down the list of periods available.

If the new month has started (e.g. today is the 1st or 2nd of the new month) select the most recent period from the list. Do not leave it on ''Month to date' as that is the new month.

- Then select 'All statements'


There are options to print or email statements. Hover over the buttons and the help notes will appear and highlight in yellow to explain what each button does.


The Aged Balance’ part of the statement displays:

• Overdue – this includes all overdue balances from previous months

• Current – this is the current balance


Email Accounts

Statements can be emailed. Select 'Email selected statements' or 'Email all'. To set up accounts for emailing, go to Debtors, Tools, Debtors Utility, Set Highlighted accounts to be emailed. Make sure you have entered an email address for the account (you can double-click on any account to go into the details to add an email address).

To check if your statements have been emailed go to My Computer\ c drive\PhcyPro\EmailAct.


To print BEFORE the end of month.

(Avoid this if possible).   Select 'MonthToDate', but first consider the disadvantages of printing MTD;

- There will be no statement number, just the words 'Month to date' since the month is not closed off yet.

- Details of transactions done after the MTD printout will NOT appear on the statement (since it was printed before they occurred) and will not appear on next month's statement either (since they belong to what will be last month). The description will therefore have been printed nowhere on paper and so appear to be lost. However, they can still be viewed on screen, and the statements printed again if required after EoM. No money will be lost as the balance carried forward will include them, leading to

- The 'Amount owing' on the previous statement not equalling the 'Balance of last statement' on the next statement, which is very upsetting to customers.

Taken together, these points can falsely make it seem that there are serious errors in statements, and for this reason printing before EoM is not recommended.


List of debtors and balances

To have a printout of the amount owing at EoM by each debtor, load 'All' debtors onto the screen, use 'Print' to print a list. It is recommended to print this list after each monthly run of statements, and keep off-site in case of fire, burglary or unrecoverable data corruption.


View old statements

On bringing up a debtor the last three months statements are displayed, plus MTD. To look further back bring the 'last three months' onto the screen then View and 'Last 12 months' or 'all statements'.


Zero balance active accounts

- One of the debtor options is to print or suppress zero balance active accounts (those which have had transactions during the month.)

To switch; From the Debtors menu, Tools, Options, and tick or untick 'Print active zero balance statements'

- Inactive zero balance accounts are never printed.

Whether printed or now, ALL accounts will be shown in the statement preview on screen.


Print selected statements.

1. First select the date, by clicking on the button at the RHS of the 'Statement date' box. The date defaults to 'Month to date'

2. Highlight the statement(s) you want then

3. Select 'Print selected statements'.



Statements print on perforated A4 paper, see 'consumables' below.


Address position in Window envelope

To adjust, go to Debtors, load the accounts then go to Tools, Options, Printer Setup and go down to 'Remittance Slip'. This should normally be set to 245, but can be other values to suit the envelopes used.


Related topic

Adding/editing debtor

Balances, display

Journal entry on a/c

Message on statements

Rollover of accounts

Statement Printer Setup

Statement problems