[Feb 03}
This virus is able to go down the network and sit dormant on a slave computer, every so often re-infecting all the other computers that reside on the same network. It may or may not cause big trouble.
Symptoms that have been observed:
RxOne unable to locate printers / printing related issues like loss of fonts.
Corrupt 'ini' files
RxOne executables corrupt causing lock ups
One site reported black screen crash that they could not recover from.
Very poor (slow) system performance
(Get help from a computer professional unless you are confident with this)
Each computer should be unplugged from the network while attempting to remove the virus, (best solution is to turn the hub off) otherwise you may get it off one machine, but will be re-infected before you have time to get it off another.
Boot the computer into safe mode.
Find files and folders and search for win.ini
Open this with notepad, loook to see if there is an entry (usually one of the 1st) that says run=often referring to some odd file name such as brazil.exe, if this is here then it is a virus, so rem this line out.
Reboot again and run antivirus software... if this locks up reboot again into safe mode, and run the antivirus software again in safe mode.
'Norton Antivirus' sometimes has trouble killing this virus, if so ask the helpdesk for the PQRemove tool that usually manages the clean up.
Be careful visiting doubtful websites, and don't open emails that are suspicious.
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