SmartClaim, Exception Report


[Revised Sept 2020]



The Exception report should be viewed before making up a claim.    

- Items displayed will normally be excluded from the claim.

- Items that will still be claimed despite being an exception, such as an incorrect repeat expiry date or a Close Control flag problem, are marked with an asterisk '**'


To see the Exception Report

1.  From the RxOne Home Screen, go to Main Menu, select the Tools tab

2.  Click the 'SmartClaim' button.

3.  Click the 'Exception Report' button, and then click OK to prepare the report for a new claim.

4.  You will be prompted to enter the date for the end of the current Claim Period.  This should default to the correct date.  Click OK and wait while the report is prepared.  This will usually take a few minutes.

5.  Check each item on the exception report.


Some reasons for exclusion could be;

Phoned script is where the Phoned Script form has still to be received back from the prescriber.   Unticking the 'phoned' box will automatically cause it to be claimed immediately if done before the batch is made up, or it will be added to the next claim if unticked after this claim has been made up.

Invalid Pharmacode is handled as a separate topic.  Click on  the green words at start of this line for details.

Corrupted script.  Fix the problem and try again.  If unclaimable, delete the item and re-enter.

Dose and Frequency have no effect on payment, but are required on scripts for statistical and audit purposes when possible.  If you are told that the percentage of Dose or Frequency is too low see separate topic.


To correct 'exception'

Double click on an item to edit it and correct the fault.    If you wish to verify that all the exceptions have been correctly fixed, prepare the Exception report again.  You can do it as many times as you wish until you are quite satisfied.  Suppressing 'Under s'net' and NSS scripts saves clutter, so long as you realise they are not missing scripts.

Once any exceptions have been fixed, the make up the claim.


Patients without NHI Numbers?

The percentage of scripts without NHI numbers can be seen;  'View patients without NHI numbers' to view.  The NHI number can be added from this screen.

Note: WSO, BSO, MPSO, NSS scripts do not require NHI numbers so will now not be shown on the exception report.


To 'Suppress "Don't Claim" Items' from Exception Report

If you don't want to see the items that have been ticked as 'Don't Claim' on the exclusion report then switch them off by going to SmartClaim, Options and tick  'Exclude Don't Claim Items from Exception Report'.


Exception Report - changes (Jan 2014)

 If claiming a repeat, but the original has no HBL payment and the original script is not on the same claim, the exception report would show a message next to the repeat script to advice to check: "reclaim script with original not yet paid". Reclaim the original script and it will disappear from the exception report

If claiming a repeat and the original script's dispensing date is greater than the repeat. A message will display.   


Utility to set Close Control flag in Exceptions Report:

If you have scripts with ‘Stat list Drugs, Close Control Not Ticked’ on your Exceptions Report, you can highlight the scripts and go to ‘File’ at the top menu and select ‘Mark as Close Control’. This will tick the close control box on these scripts.



Related topics


Editing scripts

Making up a SmartClaim