[Revised Oct 04].
To shut down;
1. Select the 'Start' button (on the bottom LHS corner of the screen)
2. Select 'Shut' down. The screen should go fuzzy and speckled for a few seconds while Windows shuts down all programs.
Power cuts
This program is considerably less vulnerable to power cuts than most Windows programs, as it keeps it files closed while waiting for the next task and has 'Roll Forward' data recovery. However, it is vulnerable if turned off while in the middle of some task and may fail to record some scripts if this happens.
After a power-cut always check to see if any scripts need to be re-entered.
DO NOT switch off the power intentionally without first shutting down Windows in an orderly fashion.
- Shut down will automatically close down all correctly written Windows programs, so there is no need to shut them all down individually.
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