[Revised Dec 1998]
Viewing Today's script log
While waiting for the next task, the dispensary module displays a log of scripts dispensed today.
To printout today's script log
From the Main dispensing screen, Report, Print Dispensary History.
The pricing office may request you printout these daily for a while and send in with the claim if they are doing extra checking of their internal systems.
Refreshing 'Todays' log
To save machine time, the log is only refreshed occasionally. If a change is made to a script showing on the log, it will not show as changed until the next refresh which can lead a user to assume that a change has not been recorded. The log can be refreshed immediately, if reassurance is required, by View then 'Refresh today's scripts'.
Other (previous) day's logs
To view scripts dispensed on earlier days, View then 'Display other scripts' and choose the date or script range required, then Ok.
To get back to today's log; View, then 'Refresh today's scripts'
- The Logs enable a busy manager to keep in touch with activity by looking at the dispensary module on any unit of the system.
- They are also useful for editing... highlight an item (by clicking or pressing <space bar> when it is focused) and select 'Edit'.