Revert, Programs


[Revised Nov 2011]



Nov 2011 - Please contact HealthSoft if you require a program reverted.




Some updates change program files, and if something prevents the new version running it is necessary to revert to the previous version.

There are two options available

1. Revert Database and program files which will revert to the previous program release restore the database to its state at the time of the update

2. Revert Local setup ini files which will revert to the settings at the time of the last update.


Please do not attempt to revert a program without first contacting HealthSoft


To revert an entire update:

1. Make a backup first.

2. From the RxOne Start Menu, Tools, RxOne Update, OK, (See message warning not to do transactions while updating),

3. Select the "Options" menu

4 Select "Revert update previous version", to revert to the old RxOne version.

5. Choose 'Database and Program files' and then select "OK".

WARNING the database will be reverted back to whenever the last update took place so when the revert has finished it will be necessary to restore scripts from backup. [See Restoring from backup]


To revert a program file:

If reverting a program on all machines:

        On the master, copy the program being reverted from the \RxOne\bak folder to the \RxOne folder

        On the master copy the program being reverted from the \RxOne\bak folder to the \RxOne\Update folder

        On every slave from Tools\Utilitiys\Other Utilitys  Update slave files

If reverting a program on a single machine only:

        On the machine to revert copy the program been reverted from the \RxOne\bak folder to the \RxOne folder


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Backup programs and data

Restore data and programs

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