[Feb 08]
Daily POS Reporting
Regular Reports
Essential reports can be setup to run on a Daily, Weekly or Monthly basis. There is an email option on some reports. This enables branches to automatically email the reports to Head Office.
To set up which Reports to run:
From RxOne Start Menu, Reports, Set Regular Reports, Setup Reports.
From the list on the left hand side select the reports you want to run, how often you want to run them (e.g. daily, weekly or monthly) and any other criteria.
On some reports there is an option to email the report. If you want the reports to be automatically emailed to someone when the report is run then tick this option and enter in an email address.
On most reports there is an option to print the report when it is run.
To set up what time of the day to run the reports:
The batch of regular reports can be set to automatically run at a time that is convenient for you: either at the startup in the morning, or when an 'End of Day' is done. You can also manually run the report from the 'Set Regular Reports' menu.
To auto run when 'End of Day is processed:
On one of the machines that you normally do an 'End of Day' on, go to 'Sales', 'End of Day', 'Reports', 'Options' and tick 'Process Regular Reports'. When the 'End of Day' is done the appropriate 'regular reports' will run.
To auto run on Start up of RxOne:
In 'Reports', 'Set Regular Reports', 'File' and tick 'Run Batch on Startup'. When RxOne is started on that machine, the reports will run.
To set up Advanced E-mail
Due to the current security restrictions on email program RxOne bypasses the email programs completely and sends the email itself. Go to Tools, Options, Other Settings, Advanced Email Settings and tick use Advanced Email and then enter in the
- SMTP Server location
- Port
- Check if use SSL
(These details can be found in Microsoft Outlook, Tools, EMail Accounts, View or Change existing email accounts, Internet Email Settings)
Regular Reports that can be set to auto email:
Product Group Report
Staff Sales Report
Stock List and Values Report
End of Day Report
KPI Report
Ages Debtors Report
Overdue Accounts Report
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