Printer, Oki 390


[Revised Jan 04]


WARNING: Older OKI 390 Turbos do not work if their own printer driver is used. If set up with their own named driver they may still print but can cause machine crashes.

The Printer Driver.

The ‘OKI 390 Turbo Printer’ is a good printer that is often used to print 'foils' for individual dose dispensing. It does not work correctly with the ‘OKI 390 Turbo Printer Driver’. It does however work well with the ‘OKI 590 Elite Printer Driver’ that ships on the Windows 95 (and later?) installation CD/Disks,.


Page feeds on OKI 390

If the lever on the RHS is not in the "back" position (which to make life difficult is actually the most forward position), unwanted page feeds will occur.


Setting up the Paper.

The OKI 390 Turbo comes with a big blue instruction book. Pages 20-26 cover ‘Loading Rear-Feed Paper’ in extreme detail. These six pages are summarized here:

1. Turn off the printer.

2. Load the paper into the rear feed tractors, do NOT manually feed the paper forward to the print head.

3. Replace the covers.

4. Turn on the printer.

5. Press the ‘FF/LOAD’ button on the printer. (The paper will roll forward to under the print head).

6. The lever on the RHS must be in the "back" position (which to make life difficult is actually the most forward position), or unwanted page feeds will occur.


Setting the ‘Top of Form’.

This should only need to be set up once for any printer, ideally when the printer is first installed.

1. Hold down the ‘SHIFT’ button and press the ‘Micro Feed Down’ button. The labels should slowly roll down until the print head is at the top (the lowest setting it will allow seems best).

2. To save this setting so the printer will not forget it hold down the ‘SHIFT’ button and press ‘TOF’.


Setting up the ‘Tear Off’ features.

The ‘Tear Off’ causes the paper to advance the perforations to the ‘tear off’ bar on the printer. When the printer starts printing the paper is automatically rolled back to the correct place. This saves labels by allowing staff to remove labels without spoiling the paper position. This is easier to do with wide/A4 paper in the printer as it prints the current setting on the paper.

1. Hold down ‘SHIFT’ and press ‘MENU’. The ‘MENU’ light on the printer should light up.

2. Press the ‘GROUP’ button until "Rear Feed" is printed on the paper.

3. Press the ‘ITEM’ button until "Form Tear-Off" is printed on the paper.

4. Press the ‘SET’ button until "500ms" is printed on the paper.

5. Hold down ‘SHIFT’ and press ‘MENU’. The ‘MENU’ light on the printer should go off.


The ‘Setting up the paper’ section can now be followed again to ensure the paper is in the correct place. (Alternately rolling the papers perforation forward to the ‘tear off’ bar will also put it in the correct place).