[Revised Nov 05]
The monthly maintenance sets the 'Premium' on the stock cards as advised by the Pharmacy Guild to the cost differential between the manufacturer's price and the subsidy cost and excludes GST. See note below with regard to premium setting.
To set your chosen premium markup.
From the RxOne Start Menu, Tools, Options, Pricing, and scroll down the list of pricing options to get to 'Premium'. Set the 'Markup' to whatever figure you require, the 'Wholesaler' figure to the appropriate figure (10% in 2002), and the PSF to whatever flat sum you want added in onto premium charge. Any of these can be zero or any value you want.
Eg; Suppose the 'premium cost' is $0.01 per tablet, the wholesaler markup is 10% , the markup 50%, the premium PSF $0.
The calculation for 100 tablets would then be; $0.01 x 100 tabs = $1.00 + 10% wholesaler + 50% pharmacy + 12.5% gst = $1.86 + $0.00 'Premium PSF' = $1.86 charge to patient.
Dispense one drug to check that the result is what you wan.
Premiums 'cancelled' by bonus stock.
We cannot change Premiums to allow for this with the monthly update, as the Guild advises that this would constitute price fixing, and that it has to be the decision of the individual pharmacy.
To change premium and list cost on stockcards to reflect bonus or reduced price
Go to stockcards, search for card
Click on List Cost box and type in your list cost (wholesaler price)
Then select the Drug Information tab
Under General Indication, click on Premium Cost/unit box and type in your premium cost, if zero type in '0'
Then select Exit ,and 'YES' to save changes
(Subsidy costs for subsidised drugs are downloaded from the Pharmac Schedule – do not change this).
Note: Premiums – Somac etc.
The Guild has advised us not to remove premiums from the drug cards, even if the manufacturer is stock "bonusing" to make it up.
There are potential problems with the Commerce Commission about anyone telling you what to charge or not charge unless there is an approved paper trail, as for normal Premiums.
If you make your own decision to remove a particular Premium, that is fine of course (and by extension it should also be okay if you decide to increase a Premium or create one on a product that otherwise does not have one… if an 'ad hoc' price change is acceptable then it cuts both ways, a possible very flexible 'surcharge' mechanism here.)
In summary; we put ALL premiums from the Guild file into RxOne, the machine applies your choice of markup, and if you want to remove these because of stock being "bonused" you will have to do it manually, and every month too unfortunately. The 'Nanny State' never lets up.
To modify a Premium - Go to the stockcard concerned, 'Drug Information' tab, go into 'Premium cost/unit' and change as you wish, '$0.00' for n/c, and $0.10 for 10c per tablet/g/ml COST premium. Note that this will then be marked up by your choice of 'Premium markup'… if this was 50% the retail premium would be 15c / tab. Then select 'Ok' to save the change when exiting the stockcard.
Guild advice; "Section 30 of the Commerce Act prohibits price fixing, which is when people or businesses that are in competition with each other agree to control, fix or maintain the prices for the goods or services that they supply.
By setting a premium to zero in the software before it goes to the pharmacies the vendor [would be making] a decision to fix a price for the pharmaceutical which could give rise to risks under the Commerce Act for the vendor and the pharmacies."
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