[Revised March 1999]
From the RxOne Start Menu, Tools, Printer setup, select 'Price stickers' then Advanced.
Standard settings are;
Across page 3
Down page 1
Width of one 29
Height of one 25.1
Left to left 31
Top to top 35.5
Margin top 0
Margin left 0
Barcode on sticker <ticked>
Use thin barcode <ticked>
Two line tradename <ticked>
Date code on sticker <ticked>
Text squeezed (Dot matrix printer)
If a line of text is squeezed vertically on a dot matrix printer, it is usually caused by physical problems with the paper feed.
- If the top line is squeezed, it is usually due to slack in the paper being taken up before the paper moves forward. Fix by putting a small weight, usually 50g to 100g, on the paper stock so that there is no slack.
- If a line further down is squeezed, see if there is some correlation between the line and the top of the page of labels. If so it is likely to be due to the form fold stretching out at that point resulting in the paper moving forward less so the print is overlapped. This can often be fixed by a weight as above, or by running it over an edge on its way to the printer to open out the fold.
Labels print diagonally with one label per line
Product name is too long so shorten the name on the sticker and then reprint labels.
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