Hospital drug dispensing


[Revised Sep 03]


The system can handle a particular pharmacy being able to dispense ALL Hospital drugs, or only some Hospital drugs, or none


Pharmacies able to dispense ALL hospital drugs

These pharmacies should set the 'Hospital' option on the Switchboard as follows;

To set 'Hospital on/off

- From the RxOne Start Menu', select Tools then Options.

- Or, from the Dispensing Main Menu, Windows, Options.


The major options are on four panels containing major settings. Go to Switchboard. After changing a line, press <enter> or <tab> to move off the line and then when you exit, all details are recorded.


'Hospital' specifies that this pharmacy is able to dispense 'hospital only' drugs on SS, and price accordingly. Most common 'hospital only' drugs are now maintained in the system by the monthly update, and more can be added by the user if required.


Pharmacies able to dispense SOME hospital drugs:

There will be 2 options for each of these medications. On one stockcard there will be 2 Indications, one called 'General' and one called 'Hospital'. Choose the 'Hospital' option while dispensing and the drug will price SS. Choosing the 'General' option will only allow those pharmacies with the Hospital box on the switchboard ticked to dispense this item SS.


Scripts which require Special Authority (either Spec Auth Retail or Spec Auth Hosp) are marked NSS, see Special authority topic.


Related topic

Hospital pricing options

Special authoriity scripts