EftPoS, Setup


[Revised June 10]


To set up Integrated EftPoS

Technical knowledge is required to set up the modem and EftPoS unit, contact HealthSoft's support desk. Full Instructions are available to authorised installers in the RxOne Agent's help

   For DPS follow the install instructions provided by DPS.

   For Provenco and Eftpos NZ you will need to arrange with your provider for an installer to be available


To turn on Integrated EftPoS within RxOne

From the RxOne Start Menu: Tools - Utilities - Options - Switchboard Tab.

Select the name of your EftPoS Provider under the integrated EftPoS option. Hit the Enter Key.

If you don't already have integrated EftPoS, you will be asked for a code (available from HealthSoft). Enter this registration code. (If entered incorrectly, the selection box will return to being blank and attempts at EftPoS sales will not operate in an integrated manner). Once you have entered the code, exit the RxOne Options and then go back in to the RxOne Options to ensure that the setting has been maintained. Keep your registration code handy as if at any time, one switches to non-integrated mode, the code will need to be re-entered when re-enabling integration.

OK to enter.


For interfaced EftPoS units (Cadmus, EftLink):

You will be asked which comms port the EftPoS unit is connected to

You will be asked for the merchant number. This is a number between 1 and 10 representing the different merchant slots in these EftPos terminals.


EftPoS Control Panel

Once you are in integrated mode (see above), the EftPoS control panel can be accessed from the main RxOne sales screen from the View menu option. The EftPoS control panel will seldom need to be accessed and one should not alter any settings here as this may result in disabling the preferred options selected during installation by the EftPoS technician. The panel will be most useful as a tool if talking to the EftPoS Suplier's help desk to assist with problem resolution. It is here, for instance, that a manual logon may be initiated to assist EftPoS establish the nature of a problem. Also the ability to perform manual pan credit card transactions is enabled / disabled here. This option is necessary where a credit a card numbers may be provide by a customer over the telephone or to process a transaction where the magnetic strip of the customer card is faulty and therefore rejected by EftPoS). Should a receipt be unreadable, a duplicate receipt can be printed from here. EftPoS inquiries and settles can also be performed from here.


On first entering the EftPoS control panel, not all functions will be displayed. Click on the advanced button at the bottom of the control panel and then type the code 7410. The client tab will now be displayed providing you with full access to all features of the control panel.


Related Topics

EftPoS, How to use

EftPoS, Overview

EftPoS, Diagnostics and troubleshooting