Debtor, Sale on account


[Revised Feb 10].


Items can be charged to an account from either the Dispensary or PoS module. If both are available, charge scripts at the PoS when they are collected.


Account sale from PoS

When finished looking up items and scripts, press <F7> and it will ask the customer. Type in the name, "F Bloggs" or "Bloggs, F" (or part of the name), and select. You can also search by account number (type in the prefix CN then the number e.g. CN3523211).

If the sale includes a script, the computer will already have selected the person.

Press <F7> again to accept the account.

A new account can be added at time of sale, or account details edited, on any unit if required.


Account sale from Dispensary

If they do not already have an account, you need to set up a new account for the customer.

Enter the scripts as normal and press 'Finish' to complete them.

Now from the Main screen Select the Items you wish to put on their account. Hold down the 'Ctrl' key and Click on the scripts to highlight more than on script. Press <F7> to put these items on the customers account. (Or select the menu Options', Charge Scripts to Account)


Autocharged Scripts

If you want patient charge to automatically go onto an account (e.g. at rest homes):

Go into a patient from dispensary and click on the 'Personal Information' tab. At the bottom left of the screen, tick AutoCharge scripts.

If the patient charge on a script is $0 (i.e. no co-payment or premium charge) but there is a foil fee, the @ sign will print next to the foil fee to indicate the foil fee has been autocharged to the patient’s account.


Note:  If you highlight an item and do F7 from within the patients screen it brings up an account screen and you can check the details and click ok. It doesn't add anything to the account though.  If you actually want to add the item to the account, select the script on the patient screen then Utilities, Charge Scripts to Account.


Related topic

Adding/editing a debtor