Debtor, Overdue


[Revised Aug 2015]


From RxOne Main Menu go to Debtors

From  Debtors, go to the Reports tab and select the 'Overdue Accounts' option.


This will give you a report of all debtors who have overdue amounts. These amounts along with their Month To Date balance are shown on the Debtors Screen


You can print selected statements or all as desired.

The Overdue Report differs from the Aged Accounts Report in that it  doesn’t include the Month to Date values as that part is not Overdue. The Aged Report includes all amounts.


The ‘Aged Balance’ part of the statement displays:

• Overdue – this includes all overdue balances from previous months

• Current – this is the current balance


Aged Accounts


From the RxOne Main Menu go to Debtors. Go to the Reports tab and select "Aged Accounts"

This will give you a report of all debtors who have amounts owing over previous months.

You can print selected statements or all as desired.



Related topic

Debtor statistics and totals